Ever wondered what that hooting sound that you heard in the night was! Do you know about these wonderful birds called owls? Owls are your nocturnal friends, who always seem invisible to you. They hunt and feed only during the night time. During the day they spend their valuable time with their family. Yes, they are divergent to us. Maybe that’s the reason we miss watching these wonderful birds.
Do you know that a group of owls is called as a Parliament? This name was coined by C.S.Lewis in his novels called The Chronicles of Narnia. They can watch you from their hideout by just turning their heads. Seems wonderful right!! It’s because they can turn their heads as far as 270 degrees. These farsighted friends feed on insects, small mammals and some birds.
In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, owls are used to deliver mails. So we always miss watching them flying past us carrying the posts of some of our favorite wizards. They have very soft feathers that make their flight noiseless. Thus they always give a shrieking surprise to their prey by catching them unnoticed. Next time when you get an opportunity to go out at night, be ready to have a lookout for them as they may be watching you.
To color these owl coloring pages you may need list of following colors as crayons or colorful sketches. You may need brown and grey colors for owl body and green and bright colors for background trees and flowers. You can also get color idea inspiration from the owl colored pictures added here.